Monday, May 31, 2010

Dr. Allison Holzapfel discusses Cincinnati Plastic Surgery

The Liquid Facelift

Over the years, the face begins to lose volume and elasticity leading to the formation of wrinkles, creases and folds. This loss of collagen and elastin contributes to sagging facial features causing many of us to think we need surgery. With the development of many of the new FDA-approved dermal fillers, Botox®, and Dysport®; physicians have been able to "lift" the face without having to resort to surgery.

Many of the techniques now used focus on lifting and contouring the face, with the added benefit of wrinkle reduction. This differing approach to the treatment of sagging facial features has been called a Liquid Face Lift, a non-surgical face lift alternative.

A Liquid Face Lift can accomplish any of the following:
  • Gentle lift of individual or overall facial features
  • Reduced wrinkles, creases or folds
  • Restoration of natural, curved facial contours
  • A more rested, energetic look
  • A friendlier smile

For example, bags can be masked under the eyes by using Liquid Facelift techniques; eyes can be opened up and lids lifted; jowls can be lifted and diminished; natural shape can be restored to flattened cheeks or temple areas; corners of the mouth can be lifted; as well as several other facial feature benefits.

A Liquid Face Lift involves the use of dermal fillers in combination with Botox® or Dysport®. The fillers include Juvederm™ Ultra, Juvederm™ Ultra Plus, Radiesse®, Restylane® and Sculptra.

Not only is product choice important, but it is fundamental that the physician take into account a patient's unique facial characteristics and goals when performing a Liquid Face Lift procedure. Each person has unique facial features and individual skin types, as well as varying degrees of skin damage, collagen depletion and skin laxity. Goals and desires also vary from patient to patient.

Results from these procedures are usually gradual and can range from subtle to astonishing. It is common for patients who have had these procedures to say that they receive compliments on their appearance without others knowing that they have done anything. As with any cosmetic medical procedure, results vary from patient to patient.

Interested in trying a Liquid Face Lift? We're taking 20% OFF Juvederm™ Ultra, Juvederm™ Ultra Plus, Radiesse®, Restylane® and Sculptra® for our May special.

Find a coupon at

(expires June 30,2010)

Call and schedule your appointment today! 513-984-FACE (3223)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Full Face Chemical Peel

Each month, we will feature one procedure performed at our center to educate our clients. The series will begin with the Chemical Peel.

Chemical peels come in many varieties. The light, or superficial, peels are performed by aestheticians or skin care specialists. The chemicals may include glycolic, salicylic, lactic or other fruit acids. These peels cause little or no downtime and are excellent for skin care maintenance and rejuvenation.

Medium depth chemical peels are usually performed by physicians. The peels used most often are the 30% to 35% TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peels and the straight 89% phenol peel. This peel is used to treat brown spots, uneven pigmentation, mild wrinkles and mild acne scars. Healing times is less than 7 days and mild redness fades in 4 to 6 weeks.

The workhorse of skin resurfacing is the Deep chemical peel. We use the Hetter Peel for deep skin resurfacing. The solution is a unique combination of Phenol and Croton Oil that can be applied in different strengths based on the individual patient's skin type and amount of skin rejuvenation needed. The peel is used to treat patients who have coarse facial wrinkles, severe sun damage, or pre-cancerous growths on their face. The dramatic results from this type of peel produce smoother, tighter, younger-looking skin.

Make an appointment to see which peel is right for you and save $500 if you schedule your medium or deep chemical peel before 2-15-10.